Luciferian Gender Weaponry

Like most people, I’ve been thinking about the recent Tennessee school shooting by the young person who appears to have been mind-controlled. Audrey/Aiden Hale.

Cathy Fox wrote an article called “Trans and MK Ultra” which highlighted many of the signs and symbols of this young person that indicate that they were a victim of mind control, often dubbed MK Ultra, but which is more properly called Monarch mind control programming.

According to Kerth Barker, a child victim of the Luciferian Brotherhood, mind control is often done specifically to alter or change a person’s sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation, LGBT+ issues, conversion therapy, gay from birth vs. gay after birth, trans “trending” in schools–all of these seem to be off-limits topics in many places and for many people unless you toe the currently acceptable social line, whatever that line might be at that particular time. What I’m about to present here is not going to bow to any social pressure or conform to a societal norm, so if you’re not interested in seeing an alternate explanation for current societal trends, now is the time to bow out of reading this article.

Barker says this about his own experiences being programmed and brainwashed inside the Luciferian system:

“Many present day gay leaders are persons who were born heterosexual and then programmed to believe that they are homosexual. The nature of Monarch Mind Control is such that, in some cases a person’s natural sexual orientation can be reprogrammed and the programmed persons won’t even know tha they’ve been brainwashed.

For example: With advanced Monarch mind control techniques, natural heteroseuxal tendencies can be sublimated on a subconscious level and turned into homosexual desires, which for that individual would be unnatural. In other words, controllers have taken people who by nature are straight, and programmed them to be gay. Unfortunately, I personally have seen this done, and it’s more common than you might think.

Monarch mind controllers have also taken peopel who are by nature gay and programmed them to be heterosexual, just to prove they can do that. Some mind control victims were driven insane by the gender programming and eventually committed suicide. For more about that, see my second book, Cannibalism, Blood-drinking & High-Adept Satanism.

Kerth Barker, Overcoming Monarch Mind Control, pg 53

Such mind control can cause someone to be driven insane and commit suicide, says Barker. In the same vein, survivor Kristine Nicole Speer likens both the LGBT+ and the transgender “movement” to the Luciferian Brotherhood’s desire to cull the population, as indicated in the first bullet point on the Georgia Guidestones (which according to another survivor was a Luciferian monument positioned above an underground ritual location.)

If reducing the population by altering people’s sexuality is one true agenda of the Luciferians, and alteration of sexuality can cause mental anguish and death, then it’s an agenda that can be considered to be weaponized against the population.

In her article, Cathy sums up the weaponization of the LGB+ movement and the trans movement, and based on what I’ve read now from multiple sources, this is correct.

Messing with sexuality and gender has been part of the occult for a long time. “During the worship of Baal-Peor, priests dressed as women, and priestesses dressed as men.” Baal-Peor is the sun god, according to that reference. The demon-God Baphomet also has features of both men and women, and Baphomet worship encourages gender-blurring and non-procreative sexuality.

You’ve probably seen the photographs of Brad Pitt posing on the red carpet in a skirt, or the intentional cross-dressing and gender inversions of other Hollywood stars.

I believe they are signaling their involvement in the Luciferian Brotherhood, and possibly a form of Baphomet worship. These concepts are being pushed very hard right now. Here’s a recent Instagram photo from the fashion company Benetton, part of their “Fruits of Desire” line, which incidentally caters to.. family (which is suggestive of incest).

Transvestism, or cross-dressing, isn’t a new human behavior, but hormone treatment is. Natural hormones are produced by the body, but artificial hormones come from other sources, such as horse’s urine. The drugs used in transgenderism are known to have potentially dangerous side-effects. Children trapped into this agenda are sometimes being given puberty-blocking drugs. Considering thatn the effects of these drugs are often not reversible, some people think of this as child abuse. Even more extreme than the drugs, some transgendered persons go so far as to have their genitals surgically altered.

If you truly care for someone, you will respectfully question their desire to become transgendered. Accepting transgenderism is not the same thing as accepting gay rights. But they have become linked togehter in the mind of the public through the new LGBTQ movement.

Additionally, the “Q” in LBGTQ stands for Queer and the word queer suggests very negative connotations. The root word for queer means to twist something. As a verb, to queer means to ruin something. Traditionally the adjective queer refers to someone who is a pervert or who is of questionable character. Queer, traditionally, is a derogatroy slang expression. The Luciferian globalist authority that is behind Project Monarch has taken the LGB movement and twisted it ito something with an entirely different agenda other than human rights.

Regardless of a person’s natural sexual inclination at birth, Monarch mind control can alter victim’s minds so that they manifest personality traits and sexual orientations that were not natural to them and were not inborn. This is why there are some persons who identify themselves as queer or transgendered but who were actually not born this way. They were unnaturally programmed to think, believe, feel and behave as queer or transgendered persons. Outwardly such persons may seem happy but on a subconscious level of mind they can be in agony. It’s out of compassion for them that I find myself in a position that offends almost everyone because althought I support the LGB’s human rights movement, I am opposed to the LGBTQ’s Monarch mind control movement.

Kerth Barker, Overcoming Monarch Mind Control pg 56-57

I have to wonder, after reading that, if this was the state that Audrey/Aiden Hale was in–agony. I have to wonder if Audrey was in her right mind when she did that school shooting, or if she was a product of the Monarch mind control movement, and her actions were being driven by her programming. From the signs and symbols she displayed in her artwork and writings, it appears that there is a good chance she was programmed and mind-controlled. I wonder what might have happened instead of what did happen if she was, as Kerth suggests later in his book, “lovingly challenged with reason and insight,” well before the shooting. Lovingly challenged is not a phrase you will hear in society these days. Complete acceptance, and at a minimum tolerance is what is expected. Neither tolerance nor acceptance are fruits of the spirit, and neither of those concepts do justice to a mind-control victim in the long run. As Carolyn Hamlett said in the last post I wrote, Lucifer and his Organization require obedience, and the psychological brainwashing operation to get the public to completely accept and tolerate all behavior that is Luciferian has been operating for quite a while.

As Gina Phillips noted in her recent video overview on Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, programming is done on children in school. Parents who notice something “off” about their children are placated and given fake video footage of the classroom to watch when they complain about their children coming home and being not quite right, not quite themselves. On programming days, if a parent tries to intervene, the Luciferians will “have watchers stationed at various marker mile markers from the school or the daycare that this is happening all the way up to your home. And if you appear that you’re coming to the school, or you are going to come to get the child, they stage everything from a car accident to you getting like 50 phone calls. They can send over a neighbor that’s in distress, because they’re on the same side, I’m telling you, they’re everywhere, have a policeman stop you and detain you, just so many different ways. And this is how they do rituals to they’re done in the middle of nowhere. But they station people in different mile markers who are watchers. And that is what they do. And they can and they will slow you down. Again, this is government-sponsored mind control.” As a parent, you won’t overtly know this has happened to your child, this mind-control programming in school or in daycare. What you will see are signs of gender confusion, transgenderism, perfectionism, depression, and other symbols that Gina outlines in the video.

There are many kinds of mind-control programs and they result in many different actions that can be taken by the mind-control victim. In the above Tweet from Gina Phillips, she notes that Audrey was wearing the colors red and black, which are common colors for mind-control programming called “Delta assassin.” There are individuals who are mind-control programmed to carry out mass shootings. In fact, there are many people who believe that most mass shootings in the USA are carried out by mind-control slaves of the Luciferian system. These individuals can carry a program for years, silently, and only when “activated” will they carry out the plan.

In Fritz Springmeier’s book about Cisco Wheeler’s mind-control programming, They Know Not What They Do: an Illustrated Guide to Monarch Programming Mind-Control, he states that “The delta alters’ programming is strictly hate and vengeance.” Where have we heard that before? “Trans Day of Vengeance,” perhaps?

Trans Day of Vengeance was supposedly a protest that was to be in front of the US Supreme Court Building, but which was canceled ostensibly because of the Nashville shooting allegedly by Audrey/Aiden Hale. Twitter removed over 5,000 tweets about that gathering. But the New York Post reported that some within the movement have stated that the phrase Trans Day of Vengeance has been around much longer than just one protest. See the caption from a photo from that article, below.

If that’s the case, that “Trans Day of Vengeance” is a phrase more pervasive and reaching back farther than most of us are aware, then it’s quite possible that vengeance is a mind-control code word that goes along with programming.

The Illuminati IS trying to normalize child molestation, bestiality, sexual sadism, rape, incest and necrophilia. All of this is part of a jihad against natural sexuality.

Kerth Barker, Deconstructing the Illuminati page 88

The Illuminati, aka Luciferian Brotherhood, has a gender identity agenda that is not pro-humanity or pro-life.

Shalom Girl (Rosemary) who was the babysitter of Elon Musk when he was a child and whose family was strongly connected to the Luciferian brotherhood (her mother and other relatives were in The System/The Organization) also states that she believes that many transgender people masquerade as Christians when they are in fact Luciferian.

Tammy Rief, whose child Jonah was stolen by two members of The System, a man who claimed to be Jonah’s biological father, and his transgender partner, both of whom have been identified by Rief to be deeply involved in the Luciferian Brotherhood.

Transgender Frequency Weapons

Now to pivot just a bit into the 2nd type of gender weaponry I want to explore, this one was released in a video just this past week by Gene Decode titled “Transgender Tesseract Frequency Weapons Deployed on Colorado Kids & More.”

Some of the advanced technology that seems to be available to the Luciferian Brotherhood and their factions in the military are astonishing to those of us who are living in an everyday world where these kinds of things are not only not available but mind-boggling to even contemplate.

Gene explains in this video that the cabal/deep state aka the Luciferian Brotherhood had a gigantic magnet-like device that has been drawing male energy from life forms on earth and storing it for a very, very, very long time.

Their plans were to discharge the energy from the device into smaller hand-held devices, and use that energy from those smaller devices to beam at human beings, to cause transgenderism and the desire for transgenderism.

It’s a transgender weapon that helps lead to genocide and helps lead to transgenderism and the desire for it.

Legend GENE DECODE- [DS] Trans-Gender 🚨TESSERACT FREQUENCY WEAPONS🚨 Deployed on COLORADO Kids & More 20 March 2023

This weapon, however, was recently co-opted by white hats, who discharged the energy from the gigantic magnet-like device into space, rendering it useless, except for the residual energy still in the handheld devices. But once those run out, they cannot be recharged. Thankfully.

Intentional Attack on Identity

Cisco Wheeler suggests that in destroying innate sexuality (and replacing it with either mind-control-generated sexuality or frequency weapon-generated sexuality) Lucifer/Satan is deliberately destroying the image of the human being as made in the image of God. There are also curses that she suggests go along with the intentional destruction of our sexual identities. Curses and demonic attachments have been suggested by not only Cisco but many, many, mind-control programmers and other whistleblower escapees of the Luciferian Brotherhood. Mind control programming intentionally employs the use of demonic attachments.

Every facet of the Luciferian system seems to be an inversion of Jesus Christ and a deliberate subverting of humanity. The same humanity that was supposed to be made in the image of God. The Luciferian system feels it can “own” humans by taking them away from God. This is what their system seems to be all about. As the below photo suggests, the radicalized mind-controlled Luciferian slaves and their handlers have a mafia-type mentality, and they achieve their goals with violence and domestic (and international) terrorism.


Kerth Barker. Overcoming Monarch Mind Control: Feedback from Therapists & Survivors, revised edition. 2019 Kerth Barker Books Publishing.

Kerth Barker. Deconstructing the Illuminati. 2017. Kerth Barker Books Publishing.

Shalom Girl – Got a minute to pray for open eyes 19 September 2021

Fritz Springmeier. They Know Not What They Do: an Illustrated Guide to Monarch Programming Mind-Control.

Cisco Wheeler – Episode 8 – Wisdom & Revelation – The Breath of God, Part 2 (currently unavailable) 4 April 2021

Legend GENE DECODE- [DS] Trans-Gender 🚨TESSERACT FREQUENCY WEAPONS🚨 Deployed on COLORADO Kids & More 20 March 2023

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Published by Veronica Swift

I am a writer who blogs on the Brotherhood, which is a worldwide occult business that deals in human trafficking and stealing souls. My free book is available to download at

10 thoughts on “Luciferian Gender Weaponry

  1. Excellent ! Great work it’s very very interesting. I want to tell you what I discovered Veronica : we can discover females under MK regarding their morphology. I mean they all are born male and transvestigated at birth. they reveice a uterus transplant before puberty so they can have children. But their squeletton is always in male proportions, so we can see them, and they are a lot lot lot of them among us.
    Just looking at social medias, stars and girls with accounts certified, ect.. -> All are inverted. It a biiiiig secret and I’m still looking for a survivor who talked about this birth’s transvestigation.

    Biggest secret of the organization I think…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think one of the bigger weapons they are using right now is sissy hypno audio and videos. These are very popular, one website hypnotube(dot)com has a global rank of #5,607 which puts itself among the top 10,000 most popular websites worldwide. rank has increased 42% over the last 3 months. was launched at January 19, 2017.
    They have several videos that have MK Ultra in the title. I looked at this one ( and it scared me. I believe it to be authentic and extremely professional. They could have buried any message they wanted in this video and I wouldn’t know it. Use extreme caution if you are listening.
    I found this comment on a series of hypnos called the Bambi sleep series. This series has multiple files, maybe 20 in total, all building off the programming that proceeded it. The comment says:
    “CoralieSeksy wrote 115 days ago:
    This comment is very serious, please read carefully for your own mental health and safety. As the Bambi Hypno series is becoming more and more popular over the years, it raised some concerns in the psychology department. It has been discovered that it’s possible and very likely to develop DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), Schizophrenia and/or other very serious medical conditions from this hypno recordings. It is VERY VERY well made (the audio part as the video part will change from content creators to content creators) The audio features extremely powerful brainwashing techniques that actually create SERIOUS psychological medical conditions, that are for the most part irreversible. We’re talking about losing control over your body and thoughts, no ability to sleep because of constant voices in your head, disability to think straight and perform basic life necessary requirements. Please if you read this, close the video now. You are free to have an Hypno kink or sissy kink, it’s fine, feel free to watch other Sissy Hypno videos, but DO NOT listen to Bambi Hypno series, IT IS VERY DANGEROUS for your mental health and well-being, it can cause suicide (which is about dying btw, so actually the most serious thing that could happen to you) I am writing this because I listened to it on and off for YEARS, always telling to myself “it’s not affecting me, it’s just hot” the other day as I was relapsing again, I got a very weird feeling where I felt like I was losing control and not being myself at all for the first time (instead of kind of acting like I would usually do). It instantly turned me off, like I actually felt like my life and mental health was in danger. I got scared, started to look online, for information, realized it was quite famous by now as it’s been released so many years back already and people managed to make ”

    studies about it and analyze the process. I mentioned it to my psychologist (you have no idea how ashamed I was talking about these kind of things with an actual human being that was sitting in front of me in real life, anyways) She said to immediatelly stop if I don’t wanna finish taking medications for the rest of my life. I hope you read all of this very carefully, may you find some exciting hypno files that are not ruining your life like it did to other people before you. Cheers”

    This are extremely dangerous weapons and totally unregulated and can do permanent damage. This needs to be stopped.

    FYI: You can get many free online books, including many mind control and MK Ultra/Monarch books at this excellent site: pdfdrive(dot)com (Fritz Springmeier’s mind control books)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Steve, I’ll have to dig into that pdfdrive, sounds like a great resource. I read somewhere at one point that most digital “music” files have embedded in them frequency programming, just like what you describe above, although that one sounds like it’s much more in-depth and damaging than the average stuff they put out. It’s why someone I can’t remember who right at the moment suggested listening to live music or playing live music or singing instead of listening to digital music. Great comment, good subject to look into in more depth, for sure.


      1. I should be more clear on what hypnotube is. It’s a porn website like pornhub. It caters to the trans community, mainly male to female trans. So visual and audio porn coupled with mental programming designed to change your sexual preference to homosexual. VIEWER BEWARE
        Sorry, just a minor little detail I forgot to mention.
        One book I downloaded from pdfdrive was “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
        Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier

        This is the most comprehensive book I have seen yet on Monarch mind control.
        I wonder if rap music is continuing to be promoted because of how easy it is to include programming within it. Also may have something to do with the low frequency bass they use that is supposed to directly stimulate the spinal lower chakra.

        “There’s some talk about rap music keeping our brains at a “low vibration” as they call it. Kanye spoke on this and said that 808s are even in music at a frequency so low you can’t actually hear it but it’s in the music for the purpose of mind control.”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. oooooh. I see. I had no idea that’s what it was, thanks for clarifying that. I thought you were giving an alternate name to YouTube…whoops. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a p*rn site exists to alter sexual preference, or reinforce altered sexual preferences. Sounds like something The Organization would set up to reinforce slave programming.

          I would imagine that Rap music is a great place to reinforce programming.

          On Fritz’ books, I didn’t know this until recently, but the books being sold on Amazon, and archived by the CIA ostensibly because of some investigation they did on Fritz have been altered, according to him. The only way to get the unaltered version is to order them from him directly is what he’s said, but he uses a small local printer and they’re always behind, so it takes a while to get a print copy, and he charges around $60 a book. His website is but it doesn’t look like it’s fully up and running at this time. On one video he suggests emailing for book purchases. springmeiermessages at


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